Wednesday, November 21, 2007


The social network is widening in the online universe and rapidly spilling onto the screens of newer, smaller and faster gadgets. The market out there wants precise and concise information in the palms of their hands.

As a result a communication tool like the computer has given way to the laptop which in turn turned in the reins to PDAs and cell phones. Even communication services like blogs have evolved into moblogs, and short messaging services have transformed into micromessaging services with the likes of Pownce and Twitter arriving on the scene.

New, Small, Fast. Three words that are fundamental to the term MicroMedia, which Jeremiah Owyang, a web strategist has succeeded in making sense of.

From an online marketer’s point of view, this new form of communication can turn out to be very useful for a business. Similar to a regular social networking site, a MicroMedia site can allow business owners, employees and the consumer stay in constant touch for regular updates on a product or service.
his type of communication need not require either party to be near a computer either, thus adding to its appeal. An element of informality is included in business dealings which in the long run helps foster deeper B2C relationships. As social networking sites are the new conquerors of the virtual sphere, their utility cannot be ignored. A business today, has to look at breaking into new markets with innovative approaches.

At Clear Media Online, this is what we help a business achieve. Our teams of SEOs and e-marketing experts keep a close watch on consumer behavior. We sieve out those gems which have the power to captivate the consumer mind and keep it asking for more.

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